Day to day management of the APPROACH project is handled by the Executive Project Management Team (EPMT), ensuring the administrative and financial coordination of the project. The Steering Committee (SC), which includes representatives from each partner, is responsible for ensuring the project achieves its objectives in a timely manner. Finally, the overall supervision of this project is ensured by Dr. Jonathan Larkin as the Coordinator (GSK) of the project and Prof. Harrie Weinans as the representative of the Managing Entity of the IMI JU funding (UMCU), showing the collaborative nature of this project.
Executive Project Management Team
The EPMT is responsible for ensuring the effective day to day running of the project and meets on a monthly basis. The team is chaired by the Managing Entity (Prof. Weinans) and co-chaired by the Coordinator (Dr. Larkin) and consists of the work package leaders. For more information about the different work packages, click here. The members of the EPMT are: