28 April 2017

Live from OARSI: two APPROACH members on the new Executive Committee of the Board of Directors

Yesterday evening, Professor John Loughlin (right in picture), President of the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), announced the new Executive Committee for 2017-2019 during his presidential address at the OARSI World Congress. Two APPROACH work package leaders will sit on the new executive: Professor Loughlin himself as Past President, and Professor Ali Mobasheri (left in picture) as the new President-Elect.

The APPROACH project would like to thank Professor Loughlin for his successful presidency, and congratulates Professor Mobasheri with his new role.
The other members on the 2017-2019 Executive Committee are:
President: Jeffrey Katz
Secretary: Kim Bennell
Treasurer: Martin Englund