Successful Annual Meeting in Germany
On 20 and 21 November 2018 the APPROACH consortium gathered for its Annual Meeting, this year organized by partner Merck KGaA at their headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany.
In total about 60 participants of the meeting, including the project’s Patient Council and the Scientific Advisory Board, presented the achievements and project progress of the last 12 months and the plans for the upcoming year. Project members will meet again in May 2019, at the OARSI 2019 World Congress in Toronto, Canada.
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The APPROACH consortium at the Annual Meeting in Darmstadt, Germany, November 2018.
The APPROACH Patient Council together with principle investigators Jonathan Larkin (GSK) and Harrie Weinans (UMC Utrecht). Left to right: Maureen Grossman, Jane Taylor, Jonathan Larkin, Sjouke Dekker, Harrie Weinans, Diny Jurg-Post, Jon Skandsen and Kaoutar Douieb-Bouayad.