Participant Newsletters

Sixth Edition

The sixth edition of the APPROACH Newsletter is available below. It was prepared in close collaboration with the APPROACH Patient Council. The goal of this Newsletter is to provide study participants and project members with updates on the progress of the APPROACH study.

Fifth Edition

The fifth edition of the APPROACH Newsletter is available below. It was prepared in close collaboration with the APPROACH Patient Council. The goal of this Newsletter is to provide study participants and project members with updates on the progress of the APPROACH study.

Fourth Edition

The fourth edition of the APPROACH Newsletter is available below. It was prepared in close collaboration with the APPROACH Patient Council. The goal of this Newsletter is to provide study participants and project members with updates on the progress of the APPROACH study.

Third Edition

The third edition of the APPROACH Newsletter is available below. It was prepared in close collaboration with the Patient Council for APPROACH. The Newsletter is aimed at providing updates on project progress for study participants and project members.

Second Edition

The second edition of the APPROACH Newsletter is available below. It was prepared together with the Patient Council and intends to keep study participants and project members informed on project progress.

First Edition

The first edition of the APPROACH Newsletter was prepared, together with the Patient Council. The newsletter appears in Dutch (APPROACH Nieuwsbrief), English (APPROACH Newsletter), French (APPROACH Bulletin), Norwegian (APPROACH Nyhetsbrev) and Spanish (Hoja Informativa APPROACH), and is available below.